How To Identify Property Development Potential - Subdivisions

The property was effected by a regional flooding assessment from Gladstone Shire Council which substantially reduced the development potential.

Development potential of this property was effected by town planning and engineering issues.

Raw Property Studio (RPS) purchased the property as the developer for the project and provided all development management services from project inception to delivery. 

Raw Property Studio completed the following : 

Purchase of the property with a project specific vehicle. 

RPS Created  a Property Action Plan which identified the following:

Potential uses for the property, which highlighted the Highest Best Use as Residential. 

It also identified the main engineering issues and the opportunity to increase the yield of the property.

RPS commissioned a detailed terrain mapping exercise of the flood plain and updated the regional flood study and then submitted this to council to change the regional mapping being used by council.

As a result of the work from RPS council changed the regional and flood mapping to allow the development potential to increase. 

This resulted in a significant increase in development yield of the property from 11 allotments to 36 allotments.

RPS created a development concept to take advantage of market conditions and lack of affordable housing in the middle of the resources boom of central Queensland.

RPS managed the project team to ensure delivery of the residential subdivision from approvals to construction to issue of titles.

RPS prepared detailed cashflows and project feasibility for the project.

RPS Co - ordinated marketing services for the project.

The Highest Best Use of the property was achieved by using the knowledge and experience of RPS. 

Shane Mundey

Shane Mundey is the Development Specialist at Raw Property Studio Services and loves helping people create better urban spaces.

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