Raw Property Studio

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Greenhouse Gas - Carbon Sequestration - Childcare Center

Raw Property Studio has partnered with a specialised Childcare Operator to deliver a fully operational childcare centre.

Basses on the design objectives of the building the property delivers the following results:

Timber Sequestered CO2 - 342 tonne CO2

Difference between a Mass Timber Project and Concrete Project -467 tonne CO2

Estimated Time to regrow the Timber used in the Building - 3 Minutes

Total Structural Timber Install Time - 8 Days

Number of Site Workers for Construction of Structural Timber - 4 Workers

Significant environmental and timeline benefits have been obtained from co- ordinating design , Engineering , Fire Services , Building Certifiers, Builders and Manufactures by using Structural Timber in this project.

Look for this project during 2020 for construction, delivery and operation.