Greenhouse Gas - Carbon Sequestration - Childcare Center

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Raw Property Studio has partnered with a specialised Childcare Operator to deliver a fully operational childcare centre.

Basses on the design objectives of the building the property delivers the following results:

Timber Sequestered CO2 - 342 tonne CO2

Difference between a Mass Timber Project and Concrete Project -467 tonne CO2

Estimated Time to regrow the Timber used in the Building - 3 Minutes

Total Structural Timber Install Time - 8 Days

Number of Site Workers for Construction of Structural Timber - 4 Workers

Significant environmental and timeline benefits have been obtained from co- ordinating design , Engineering , Fire Services , Building Certifiers, Builders and Manufactures by using Structural Timber in this project.

Look for this project during 2020 for construction, delivery and operation.

Shane Mundey

Shane Mundey is the Development Specialist at Raw Property Studio Services and loves helping people create better urban spaces.

Green Sustainable Building - Mixed Use Redevelopment


Building Innovation - Service Station